Ways to Get Involved at UCS
There are many ways to get involved at the Unitarian Church of Sharon. Joining a committee, participating in a fellowship activity, attending a small group meeting are just a few of the ways to take part. See below for some ideas.
Small Groups
We have several different small groups for adult fellowship, support and spiritual development. Some are open to new members, others are closed at this time but members are happy to help new groups get started.
The Men’s Group, which has been in place for over a decade, meets two evenings a month for socializing and support. If you would like to join us, come at 8:00 p.m. on the 2nd or 4th Thursday of the month to the vestry. Questions? Ask Glenn Rivard, Jon Slavin, or Aiden Cunningham.
The Women’s Support Group is an ongoing closed group which allows members to develop trust as they share the essentials of their lives. The group occasionally announces an open period during which women of the congregation are welcome to try the experience. Group members are happy to help another group get started at anytime.
The Small Group Ministry Pilot Group meets every other Sunday evening to discuss a spiritual question in a structured group format. New members are always welcome to give the group a try. After a trial period, any one wishing to make a commitment to regular attendance and the group’s covenant is welcome on an ongoing basis. When the group gets to ten members it will split into two groups. For more information contact Liz Moore or Susan Allison.
Other groups regularly use our building and are sometimes open to new members: Mothers and Girls Group, Sharon Mom’s Club, Women’s 12-step Group.
Would you like to start a small group for spirituality, fellowship, health and wholeness or support? To learn which rooms and times might be available, contact the Church Office at 781-784-3652. We’ll also be glad to talk to you about how to publicize your idea.
The Adult Choir sings in church approximately once a month and individual members offer occasional special music. Rehearsals are Sunday morning at 9:15 and one weeknight at 7:15. All are welcome! Contact Choir Director, Jennifer Spencer for more information. (Note: during the winter of 2007 the Choir is taking a break while our Director is on maternity leave.)
Circle Suppers
Circle Suppers are small gatherings of 6-8 adults that are arranged by a coordinator. Groups meet in church member’s homes, October through April (but not December), usually on the second Saturday of each month. You can sign up for the whole year, or just for particular months. To get involved, contact Allison Jones at 781-793-9085
Memorial Garden Committee
The memorial garden committee hopes that all church members are enjoying the garden. Help is needed with the garden maintenance. We are looking for a few people to make a commitment for regular weeding. A small section of the garden could be assigned to you for general weeding. Do you love to sit at the bench in the bed of pansies? Why not volunteer to maintain the area? Our plan is to make the assignments small and easily managed. At the present time members are attempting to keep the whole garden weed free. Not an easy task as the committee is so small. The committee could offer mentoring if you’re not sure what is a weed and what is not.
The garden is there for the whole congregation to enjoy. Please help us and be part of the maintenance. It can be a very peaceful meditative process, like worship. Contact the Memorial Garden committee for further information.
Caring Committee
The Caring Committee of the Unitarian Church of Sharon, working closely with the minister, exists to provide thoughtful attention and assistance to our members and friends with the understanding that we all need support at some time in our lives. Some of the ways the Committee could provide support would be to call, send cards, provide meals, visits, rides or help to coordinate ceremonial receptions. If you would like to get involved, please contact a member of the Caring Committee whose members include Pat McDougal, Melissa Mills, Louis Chereski, and Mary Nelson at caringcommittee@uusharon.org.
First Friday Potluck Suppers
Join us on the first Friday of most months from 6 to 7:30 pm (though whenever you’re able to arrive or need to leave is just fine). Bring either a main dish, side dish, salad or dessert to share. And bring your own beverage also. Then join church friends for good food and lively conversations. Clean up is collaborative, quick and simple. We’re usually on our way by 7:30 pm. For information call the Reids at 781-784-4472.
Fellowship Activites
Every so often we just like to have fun, so we
- take a hike
- go skiing or skating in the winter
- camping in the summer
- attend a concert or play
- host a holiday party in the vestry,
- a summer picnic on the lawn
- carve a pumpkin in the fall and
- dance around a campfire
- dye eggs early in the spring
What might you like to do? Contact the Fellowship Committee to suggest something.
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