Sunday Services

Worship services at the Unitarian Church of Sharon are currently both in person and on Zoom. Our in-person services are mask-optional in a ventilated sanctuary.

Details of the upcoming Sunday service are posted at by Saturday morning. If you’d like to attend virtually, navigate to this page on Sunday mornings and use the link below – or click the Watch Live button in the blue banner of this or the Home page.

10:30 am Worship Service From September through June we have a regular church service from 10:30 – 11:30 am which is followed by a time of fellowship. All ages are welcome at this service although we do have a service geared especially for families with children in grades 8 and under. See below for details. About once per month, we combine these two services into one 10:30 intergenerational service, usually for special occasions such as holidays and holy days.

10 a.m. Family Service Our interactive family worship services support parents and children in talking with one another about Unitarian Universalist values. We explore big topics and ask big questions. We make meaning through dialogue and are encouraged to continue the conversation beyond worship. Watch this space for upcoming topics.

UCS Zoom link for Sunday Worship services

For more information on Zoom scroll to next page.


September 8

10:30 AM Intergenerational Worship: Like Rivers to the Sea 

Each September we celebrate our coming together once again after the summer with a water ceremony. Bring your water and share with us what it means to you as we pour it into a common bowl. If you forget your water, that’s OK, we’ll have some here for you. Rev. Jolie will lead our worship service today.


September 15

10:30 AM Intergenerational Worship: Change and the Spirit

Fall can feel like it’s full of changes, with the start of a new school year and the changing season. Today’s service will give us space to reflect on change in an intergenerational setting, including time to “turn and talk” to one another – a worship practice we often use in our family services. Kids: bring in your backpacks for a blessing to start the new year right! And everyone is invited to bring in an object that represents a change or transition in your life, to receive a blessing as well.


September 22

10:00 AM Family Worship Begins

Our weekly Family Worship service begins today, along with the start of our RE programming! Back in May, we shared a ritual to close out our family service for the season. Today we will share another ritual to open up a new year of being in intergenerational worship together.

10:30 AM Worship: Can We Talk About Politics in Church?

Short answer: yes. But it can get complicated! As election season heats up, let’s pause and reflect. How do we cultivate a community where all who seek a home here may find it, and also where we speak and take collective action on the issues that align with our UU values? Rev. Jolie preaching.

September 29

10:00 AM Family Worship: Exploring World Religions Through Cooking

Our children’s programming this fall is all about FOOD. Today, our family worship service will support the religious and culinary explorations taking place downstairs.

10:30 AM Worship: Climate Revival!

Today’s worship service will tackle a tough topic: climate change. But we will do so by focusing on possibilities rather than catastrophes. Along with hundreds of other UU congregations who have signed up for a “Climate Revival” weekend, we will consider how our climate work can be: less isolated, more connected; less anxious, more nourishing; and less limited, more visionary. Rev. Jolie preaching.