Social Activities
Circle Suppers meet at members’ homes the second Saturday of selected months between October and June. The host family provides the main course; guests share bringing appetizers, beverages, bread/salad and dessert. Participants sign up to be a Host or a Guest by month and indicate how many guests they can accommodate (usually 4 or 6). There is also an alternates list for those who can participate less often. Contact: Allison Jones
First Friday Potluck, the first Friday of each month, 6:00-7:00 p.m., except in June when it precedes the second Friday of June Annual Meeting. A no sign-up get together that has endured for years. Contact: Gare Reid
Conversations at the Meetinghouse is an open forum on current affairs which welcomes participants from Sharon and surrounding communities. Held the first Friday of each month at 7:00 p.m., October, November, and January through May, Program Space A/B. All are welcome; no sign-up is necessary. Contact: Gare Reid and Elaine Price
To subscribe to the Conversations at the Meetinghouse Announcements mailing list, click here.
Women’s Social Group meets about three times a year at the Church following the pattern of the disbanded Goodwill Alliance (1909-2004): Fall Kick-off Dinner, February Poetry Reading; Spring Annual Potluck. These evening get-togethers are open to all women of the church and women visitors who are interested in getting to know our community better. No sign up required. See Happenings for upcoming meetings.
Theater Group attends productions throughout the year. The evening events can include purchasing by block tickets and pre-performance and intermission receptions for the group. Afternoon outings can include lunch and movies or simulcasts of New York Metropolitan operas. Trips can include going to Tanglewood or Boston performances. Conviviality and discussion are always included. See Happenings for specific event details. Contact: Pat McDougal August Tanglewood Contact: Colleen Tuck.
December Holiday Dinner – sponsored by the Membership Committee.
Museum Group – Every few months a group visits a local museum together and then gathers to share their thoughts and experiences.
Let’s Laugh Today – Every second Saturday 11 a.m. – noon and the fourth Wednesday from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. in Program Rooms A/B (no sessions in August).
Any age and any level of physical ability can participate in this uplifting experience! There are no poses or postures and mats are not needed. New laughers are always welcomed! This is open to the public. FREE!
Please bring your water bottle because laughing is dehydrating. Led by Certified Laughter Yoga Teachers, Linda and Bill Hamaker.
If you have any questions, call 508-660-2223 or e-mail See more information and other opportunities to laugh at

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