E-mail Lists
The church has two types of e-mail lists: Announcements (one-way communication) and Discussion lists (participatory).
The original Announcement list, run through the church’s web host, is used for church announcements, the newsletter, weather cancellations and other church business. Only list owners are allowed to post messages.
The social@lists.uusharon.org discussion list is a more open forum where members can share anything of interest with the congregation — questions, concerns, announcements, volunteer opportunities, job networking, recipes, you name it.
What is an e-mail Announcement List?
It’s an automated e-mail delivery service. You sign up by providing your e-mail address, and then you are automatically subscribed. From then on, you will get any messages sent out to that list.
How do I sign up for the church announcements e-mail list?
It’s pretty simple. All you need to do enter the e-mail address you want to use for this service and click Sign up below. A subscription confirmation will be e-mailed to you. Just click to confirm/verify your e-mail address.

Then press Enter
Why would I want to do this?
There are a lot of times when announcements need to be sent out on short notice, or otherwise just don’t make it into the Order of Service or the Chalice. This kind of e-mail service is an easy way to do that. Announcements may be about special services, meetings, changes in plans, weather cancellations, or anything related to church business.
How do I unsubscribe?
This is also pretty simple. Each e-mail will have an unsubscribe link at the bottom.
Where do I get more information about the church announcements list?
E-mail the webmaster or the Congregational Administrator.
How do I sign up for the Social Discussion list?
Simply send an email to Social-subscribe@lists.uusharon.org or click this link You will receive a confirmation e-mail and instructions for what to do.
Why would I want to do this?
Share party invitations, recipes, news of social justice events, personal or family crises, requests for information, offers of zucchini, carpooling … anything in short which might be of interest to the beloved community which is not “official” enough to go out on the congregation announcement list.
How do I send emails to people on the Social Discussion list?
Once you are a member, send e-mail messages to Social@lists.uusharon.org
How do I unsubscribe from the Social Discussion list?
Simply send a blank e-mail message to Social-unsubscribe@lists.uusharon.org
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