The Beginning Is Near!
If reading or watching the news these days makes you feel overwhelmed, you are not alone. Today’s service will be a meditation on the relationship between human agency and hope, […]
If reading or watching the news these days makes you feel overwhelmed, you are not alone. Today’s service will be a meditation on the relationship between human agency and hope, […]
The ceremony of the flowers was first developed and led in 1923, by Rev. Norbert Čapek at the Unitarian congregation he founded in Prague. It has since become a meaningful […]
In honor of Pride, our worship today will focus on LGBTQ struggles and power. With trans rights under attack across the country, we explore how our Unitarian Universalist faith calls […]
Reflections on Milestones
Bring your animals to church today for a blessing! Together we will delight in all the beings we share this Earth with.
Today is Easter, the day that Christians celebrate Jesus’ resurrection, a message of hope out of the depths of suffering. Anne Lamott writes, “Every time we choose the good action […]
Passover begins on April 5. In honor of this important Jewish holiday, whose traditions include retelling the Exodus story, we will reflect on the power of stories. What does storytelling […]
Our worship today is inspired by shoshin, a concept from Zen Buddhism, made popular outside of Japan by Shunryu Suzuki (1904-1971), the Zen monk and teacher who founded the first […]
Our Seven Principles have helped us understand and explain our faith for the last 40 years. They are up for revision, and the new draft has been presented to the […]
We live in a time of deep economic inequality and political polarization. How can our faith and moral convictions help us navigate this time, as individuals and as a society?
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