Preacher: Reverend Jolie Olivetti

  • That To Which I Give My Heart

    Preacher: Joe Rappaport, Mia Joiner-Moore, Nathan Spencer, Reverend Jolie Olivetti | Our Unitarian Universalist Association writes, “the concept of ‘credo,’ usually thought of as a statement of individual belief, can […]

  • Making Good Mistakes

    Preacher: Reverend Jolie Olivetti | Philosopher and cognitive scientist Daniel C Dennett wrote, “Instead of turning away in denial when you make a mistake, you should become a connoisseur of […]

  • Generations of Resilience

    Preacher: Reverend Jolie Olivetti | Black Freedom organizer from the Civil Rights era Ella Baker said, “We who believe in freedom cannot rest until it comes.” Rev. Jolie will lead […]

  • Learning From Survivors

    Preacher: Reverend Jolie Olivetti | In our worship service today, we will hear the words of survivors of intimate partner abuse. We will also reflect on the insights of theologians […]

  • Change Becomes You

    Preacher: Reverend Jolie Olivetti | Change is not easy. And yet we are so often either in the midst of it, or we anticipate changes in our lives. Rev. Jolie […]

  • Holding On To The Good

    Preacher: Reverend Jolie Olivetti | Today’s service recognizes and honors Chinese New Year and the traditions honored by it. We are reminded to hold on to the good in our […]

  • Not to Save Our Souls But to Grow Our Souls

    Preacher: Reverend Jolie Olivetti | In our work- and wealth-obsessed culture, we may confuse our self worth with our net worth. But the landscape of employment has changed drastically in […]

  • Whole, Holy, Hole-y

    Preacher: Reverend Jolie Olivetti | It’s a new year, with the promise of a fresh start, a chance to make resolutions and fix what’s amiss with ourselves. But aren’t we […]

  • Things of Worth

    Preacher: Reverend Jolie Olivetti | The word “worship” comes from an Old English word that means acknowledgment of worth. How can we adequately pay homage to the worthy wonders that […]

  • Just As We Are

    Preacher: Reverend Jolie Olivetti | Our worship today will center on illness and wholeness. In honor of World AIDS Day, December 1, we will reflect on the history and present […]