Preacher: Reverend Jolie Olivetti

  • Gratitude and Abundance

    Preacher: Reverend Jolie Olivetti | Mary Oliver wrote: attention is the beginning of devotion. This Sunday before Thanksgiving, we will reflect on gratitude, abundance, and devotion: all outgrowths of attention. […]

  • Attention With Intention

    Preacher: Reverend Jolie Olivetti | There are a lot of competing demands for our attention these days. This service will focus on how we can regain some autonomy over what […]

  • We Need All of Us

    Preacher: Reverend Jolie Olivetti | For our family and adult worship topics, we will ask, what is it like to try to understand the world through another person’s experience? We […]

  • Whose Is This?

    Preacher: Reverend Jolie Olivetti | My two-year-old is very concerned about what’s hers, and making sure everyone in the sandbox knows it: “Mine!” This morning we will consider: what belongs […]

  • Raise A Noise

    Preacher: Reverend Jolie Olivetti | This evening at sundown is the Jewish New Year; with the turning of the year comes a chance for renewal. Let us renew our commitment […]

  • In Praise of Not Knowing

    Preacher: Reverend Jolie Olivetti | My fingers itch to pull up Google on my phone if someone asks something I can’t answer. What happens when we prefer questions to answers, […]

  • Expect To Connect

    Preacher: Reverend Jolie Olivetti | Have you ever arrived in a new place, begun a new project, or been introduced to a new person and felt impatient for great things […]

  • What A Time To Be Alive

    Preacher: Reverend Jolie Olivetti | The scale and impacts of climate change are overwhelming, to say the least. If you’re like me, sometimes you prefer to be a bit ostrich-y […]

  • Where You Go, I Will Go

    Preacher: Reverend Jolie Olivetti | This will be our first of two opportunities to join in worship services led by our ministerial candidate, Jolie Olivetti. Jolie’s sermon this morning speaks […]