UCS Donations

UCS chalice


There are many ways to give and you can direct your donation as you see fit.
  1. Make a check out to “Unitarian Church of Sharon” and mail it to our address:

    4 North Main Street, Sharon, MA 02067.

  2. For those who use online banking, you can set up Unitarian Church of Sharon as a Payee. Just include the address and your bank will mail the check for you. This service is free at most banks.
  3. Use the form below, (or use this link Online giving through Breeze), choose the credit card or ACH payment option and select the target of your gift. Your donation will be connected to your Breeze account for acknowledgement.
  4. Text Give to (781) 614-7277. The first time you do, you will be responding to automated requests for information to set up your credit card or ACH payment and select the target of your gift. Your donation will be connected to your Breeze account for acknowledgement.
  5. For those who prefer to give using PayPal, use this link Online giving using PayPal, and select the target of your gift. Your donation will be connected to your Breeze account for acknowledgement.
  6. Go directly to the Organization’s website to donate directly to the suggested Brown Envelope recipient for the month.
Information for the current week’s direct donation can be found in the Order of Service https://www.uusharon.org/oos/

Suggested donation directives

*For checks you write or checks mailed by your bank, use the note or memo section to direct your donation to your choice of giving destinations (e.g., General Donation, Brown env 5/4/24, Shopping for Justice, Minister’s discretionary fund, etc.).

To support the life of our church and its work in the world, indicate ‘General Donation‘.

BROWN ENVELOPE – To support the organization receiving Brown Envelope donations each week indicate “Brown Env + service date” in the memo section.
Example: Brown Envelope for 3/29/20 is for UU the Vote Campaign for 2020.
Write: “Brown Env 3/29/20” in the memo section of the check.

SHOPPING FOR JUSTICE – To continue supporting our 5 local food pantries, we are now collecting monetary donations to purchase small denomination grocery cards which we then send to our local pantries for them to use as they best see fit – typically distributing the cards to individuals who come to the pantry and occasionally using the cards to restock their shelves. Indicate “Food pantry donation” .

MINISTER’S DISCRETIONARY FUND· Administered by our minister. For our members and members of the wider community who are struggling to make ends meet. Indicate “Minister’s Discretionary Fund”.

Filling out the Breeze form below and clicking Continue connects your donation to your Breeze account for acknowledgement.