Welcome from the Minister

Welcome to the Unitarian Church of Sharon! Thank you for checking out our website. Ours is a lively congregation of seekers, thinkers, doers, believers, doubters, and everyone in between. We are a Unitarian Universalist church. Unitarian Universalism is a creedless religious tradition that supports individual faith explorations in covenantal communities, such as this congregation. Unitarian Universalists affirm common principles and our need to work for justice and compassion in the world. Though UUs believe we are each on our own path in the search for truth and meaning, we also believe we need fellow travelers on that search. And so we come together here: to worship together, to learn together, to grow together, to be of service to our community and to try to take good care of each other along the way.
Each Sunday morning at the Unitarian Church of Sharon, we share in two worship services. At 10 AM we have a highly interactive intergenerational service that is accessible to children and meaningful to people of all ages. At 10:30 AM we have a more adult-centered worship service. We have a robust Religious Education (RE) program that runs each Sunday during the adult service, serving infants, toddlers, and preschoolers in our nursery, and children through elementary school in our multi-age classroom. Middle schoolers sometimes participate in RE and sometimes attend our 10:30 AM service. Many of our high schoolers help teach in the RE class, and also participate in our Senior Youth Group on Sunday evenings. And church definitely doesn’t just happen on Sundays! We have a wide variety of programs, events, and committees that meet throughout the week, creating spaces for spiritual growth as well as spaces where the work of the church happens. There are many ways to get involved. We strive to be an inclusive congregation, welcoming of LGBTQ people, people of all ages, races, cultural backgrounds, and abilities.
I invite you to visit us on a Sunday morning to learn more. We offer a hybrid worship service: in person at our church located at 4 North Main Street in Sharon and online. You can find the link to our online service on our home page, just click the box in the blue banner at the top.
Yours along the journey,
Rev. Jolie
p.s. book a meeting with me, in person, online or phone: www.calendly.com/revjolie
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