Sunday Services at 10:00 a.m.: Family Service
We begin our Sunday mornings with a family service for children, parents, and any other interested adults. In an age appropriate manner, we explore our cherished spiritual and moral values and how to put them into practice.
Sunday Services at 10:30 a.m.: Adult Service
The adults of the congregation worship while the children and youth participate in their religious education groups. Our worship is a celebration of life and an affirmation of the core spiritual values that makes life deeply meaningful. Every service is unique, but they do have a common structure. The service commonly includes a chalice lighting, covenant, a time for people to share their joys and concerns, and a variety of other worship modes. The music is lively with piano, instrumentalists, adult choir, and children’s choir. The congregational songs and hymns are fun and singable. The sermons, presented by the minister and by lay members, are thought provoking and deal with real life issues. A social hour follows each service.
While we take our faith seriously, we tend to be a fairly relaxed group, especially where dress is concerned. Wear whatever makes you comfortable, and know that you and your children don’t have to get dressed up to join us on Sunday.
Upcoming Services
Certain kinds of services occur each church year either as distinct services or as part of a service: In Gathering Sunday, Flower Communion, Christmas Eve, Winter Solstice, Easter, High Holy Days.
Listen to a sermon online.
Unitarian Universalist Principles
Unitarian Universalism is a non-dogmatic, non-creedal faith, but we do hold in common a set of unifying principles.
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