Order of Service

Worship With Us on Sunday January 5, 2025
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Order of Service

Coffee: Kathy Farrell & Julie Armstrong                           Flowers: Edele Panessidi
Greeter: Allison Jones                                                       Zoom Host: Glenn Rivard

10:00 AM Family Worship: Freedom Soup

Our friends in Haiti and Haitian people all over the world celebrate their Independence Day on January 1. In honor of this, we will learn about the history of Haiti and help our World Blessings kids prepare for their class today.

Music Upon Entering                                                     Mel Springer, Music Director

Two “Valses” from “Espana,” Opus 165 “Valse Sentimental” and “Valse Brillante” by Enrique Granadas (Barcelona, Spain, 1867-1916

Welcome & Announcements                                            


We light this chalice for Unitarian Universalism. 

This is a congregation of open minds. 

This is a congregation of helping hands. 

This is a congregation of loving hearts. 

Together we work for peace and friendship in our world. 


Love is the doctrine of this church 

The quest for truth is its sacrament 

And service is its prayer. 

To dwell together in peace, 

To seek knowledge in freedom, 

To serve humanity in fellowship, 

To the end that all souls shall grow 

Into harmony with the divine: 

Thus we do covenant together.

Joys & Concerns

“Wait and see, wait and see, what a world there can be,

                                                              if we share, if we care, you and me..”

 Meditation Hymn #1009 Meditation on Breathing

 Story & Discussion: Freedom Soup by Tami Charles, Rev. Jolie Olivetti, Minister

Closing Words

In the rest of our time together and in the days ahead,

May we listen to our deepest selves.

May we be open to life’s gifts.

And may we be moved to serve needs greater than our own. 

 Go Now In Peace



10:30 AM Worship: Question Box!

From time to time we have a special family service devoted to asking and answering people’s BIG questions together. Our Worship Committee was wondering, why do the kids and parents get to have all the fun? So, Rev. Jolie is in the hot seat this week. What questions do you have for her? She reserves the right to get input from the congregation, and to say “I don’t know” when she simply doesn’t know. What have you been wondering about Unitarian Universalism? Or religion and faith communities generally? Or… something else?


Music Upon Entering                                                     Mel Springer, Music Director

“Villanueva” Spanish Dance #4 by Enrique Granadas Lleida-Barcelona, Spain, 1867-1916)

Welcome & Announcements                                Peter Raskin, Worship Coordinator

Prelude Spanish Dance #5 (untitled) by E. Granadas

Opening Words Darkest Before Dawn by James Crews  Rev. Jolie Olivetti, Minister

Opening Hymn #359 When We Are Gathered

Chalice Lighting & Covenant (see previous page)

Centering Hymn #123 Spirit of Life

Centering Breath

Joys & Concerns

“Wait and see, wait and see, what a world there can be,

                                                              if we share, if we care, you and me..”

 Offertory Spanish Dance #10 (untitled) by E. Granadas

The January Brown Envelope collections will once again support the 6 local food pantries in our surrounding communities of Foxboro, Walpole, Norwood, Canton, Stoughton/Sharon and the First Congregational Church of Sharon’s local pantry. The post-holiday season is difficult for them, and requests for help remain at overwhelming levels. Thank you for your support.

Text “Give” to (781) 614-7277 to donate to the Unitarian Church of Sharon. The first time you do so you will be prompted to provide payment information and to select the recipient of your gift.

 Reading “What Does It Mean To Be a People of Curiosity?” by Scott Tayler          Rev. Jolie Olivetti

 Hymn #209 398 To See the World

 Question Box!                                                                                    Rev. Jolie Olivetti          

 Interlude Spanish Dance #2 “Oriente” by E. Granadas

 Prayer & Meditation     Rev. Jolie Olivetti                                                                     

 Closing Hymn #1057 Go Lifted Up

.Closing Words                                                 Rev. Jolie Olivetti                                                                    

 Postlude Spanish Dance “12 (untitled) by E. Granadas





Upcoming Events

Zoom Link for our Virtual Sanctuary

Zoom information: Meeting ID: 945 6326 5033 Password: 3652

More Zoom information including the phone numbers can be found here

If you are joining for the first time, please sign our Visitor Guest book

Family and Adult services: