
Preacher: Reverend Lois Adams Pastor Lois Adams of the First Baptist Church of Sharon and our Minister Jim Robinson will be exchanging pulpits this morning. Pastor Adams, who is African…


October 11, 2015
Preacher: Reverend Jim Robinson Neurotheology is the scientific study of spiritual and religious experience. Using modern techniques like EEG, MRI, and social science surveys, we can get an objective understanding…

Service Is Our Prayer

October 4, 2015
Preacher: Reverend Jim Robinson We say each Sunday in our covenant that “service is our prayer”. We will explore what this means and how each one of us can find…
Preacher: Michael and Helen Cato We will also celebrate our new partnership with the John Pounds Memorial Unitarian Church of Portsmouth, United Kingdom. Michael and Helen Cato from the Portsmouth UK…

Gylakuta Romania Partner Church

September 27, 2015
Preacher: Colleen Tuck This Sunday we celebrate our long standing partnership with a small Unitarian congregation in Transylvania. Colleen Tuck visited our partner church recently and will tell us about…

High Holy Days

September 20, 2015
Preacher: Reverend Jim Robinson The themes of the Jewish High Holy Days are important and universal: self examination, making amends, reconciliation, and gratitude. We will explore these themes individually and…
Preacher: Mia Joiner-Moore Part 4 of 4 shared by Mia Joiner-Moore of our annual celebration of diversity and love will be led by our LGBTQ task force. We will focus…