Sunday Services

Worship services at the Unitarian Church of Sharon are currently both in person and on Zoom. Our in-person services are mask-optional in a ventilated sanctuary.

Details of the upcoming Sunday service are posted at by Saturday morning. If you’d like to attend virtually, navigate to this page on Sunday mornings and use the link below – or click the Watch Live button in the blue banner of this or the Home page.

10:30 am Worship Service From September through June we have a regular church service from 10:30 – 11:30 am which is followed by a time of fellowship. All ages are welcome at this service although we do have a service geared especially for families with children in grades 8 and under. See below for details. About once per month, we combine these two services into one 10:30 intergenerational service, usually for special occasions such as holidays and holy days.

10 a.m. Family Service Our interactive family worship services support parents and children in talking with one another about Unitarian Universalist values. We explore big topics and ask big questions. We make meaning through dialogue and are encouraged to continue the conversation beyond worship. Watch this space for upcoming topics.

UCS Zoom link for Sunday Worship services

For more information on Zoom scroll to next page.


March 2

 10:00 AM Family Worship: Generosity

It’s pledge drive season here at UCS. What does that mean? How does our UU value of Generosity feed our hearts, minds, and spirits?

 10:30 AM Worship: Give Together, Grow Together

It’s time to kick off our annual pledge drive! What is the spiritual meaning of stewardship? Why do we give our time, talents, and treasure to a UU church? Because when we give together, we grow together. Rev. Jolie preaching.


 March 9

10:00 AM Family Worship: Seven Special Somethings

In honor of the Persian New Year which is coming up on March 20, we will read a fun book called Seven Special Somethings by Adib Khorram. We will also use some of the themes of this book to think about one of our UU Values together: Transformation.

10:30 AM Worship: Credo Service

We are carrying on with a beloved annual UCS tradition today. It’s our Credo Service, when members are invited to share about their beliefs and the journeys of their hearts and minds from our pulpit. Kate Barber and Jeff Tucker will share their credos today, and Rev. Jolie will share a reflection about why the Credo Service is an important part of practicing our UU faith.


 March 16

10:00 AM Family Worship: Justice
There are lots of ways to fight for a better world. Today we will think about art as resistance as we reflect on our UU value of Justice together.

10:30 AM Worship: Poetry is Not a Luxury
The title of today’s service is from the writer and revolutionary thinker, Audre Lorde (1934-1992). We will explore this premise, that poetry – and other forms of artistic expression – are not mere frills but rather touch the beating heart of our existence. Rev. Jolie preaching.


March 23

10:00 AM Family Worship: Interdependence
In celebration of the Spring Equinox, we will think about our UU value of Interdependence. Is there a way we could experience what an interdependent web really feels like?

10:30 Worship: Guest Speaker from Father Bills/Mainspring House
Our Social Justice Committee is focusing on Housing Justice, delving deep into the topic of homelessness and affordable housing. This Sunday, we will welcome a guest speaker from the staff of FBMH to help us reflect further on this important topic as a congregation. Rev. Jolie is off today.


March 30

10:30 Intergenerational: Music Sunday
Rev. Jolie and our Adult Choir Director, Jennifer Spencer, are collaborating on our worship service today. We will sing, sing, sing! We will sing some old favorites as well as some less familiar selections from our hymnal. Rev. Jolie will also speak on how music gives us spiritual strength to build the world we dream about.