Sunday Services

Worship services at the Unitarian Church of Sharon are currently both in person and on Zoom. Our in-person services are mask-optional in a ventilated sanctuary.

Details of the upcoming Sunday service are posted at by Saturday morning. If you’d like to attend virtually, navigate to this page on Sunday mornings and use the link below – or click the Watch Live button in the blue banner of this or the Home page.

10:30 am Worship Service From September through June we have a regular church service from 10:30 – 11:30 am which is followed by a time of fellowship. All ages are welcome at this service although we do have a service geared especially for families with children in grades 8 and under. See below for details. About once per month, we combine these two services into one 10:30 intergenerational service, usually for special occasions such as holidays and holy days.

10 a.m. Family Service Our interactive family worship services support parents and children in talking with one another about Unitarian Universalist values. We explore big topics and ask big questions. We make meaning through dialogue and are encouraged to continue the conversation beyond worship. Watch this space for upcoming topics.

UCS Zoom link for Sunday Worship services

For more information on Zoom scroll to next page.



January 5

10:00 AM Family Worship: Freedom Soup
Our friends in Haiti and Haitian people all over the world celebrate their Independence Day on January 1. In honor of this, we will learn about the history of Haiti and help our World Blessings kids prepare for their class today.

10:30 AM Worship: Question Box!
From time to time we have a special family service devoted to asking and answering people’s BIG questions together. Our Worship Committee was wondering, why do the kids and parents get to have all the fun? So, Rev. Jolie is in the hot seat this week. What questions do you have for her? She reserves the right to get input from the congregation, and to say “I don’t know” when she simply doesn’t know. What have you been wondering about Unitarian Universalism? Or religion and faith communities generally? Or… something else?


January 12

10:00 AM Family Worship: Zeit and Zaatar
In preparation for our World Blessings class which will be cooking a Palestinian dish today, we will enjoy a story and discuss the culture and resilience of the people of Palestine.

10:30 AM Worship: Next Steps Weekend Worship!
On Saturday and Sunday, Jan 11 and 12, we will spend time as a congregation with Rev. Lydia Ferrante-Roseberry, a guest from Stewardship for Us, our UUA-affiliated capital campaign and stewardship consulting firm. This special weekend will help us kickstart our capital campaign to renovate our historic meetinghouse. In these times when many of our hard-fought UU values are under attack, becoming a beacon of generous giving provides a visible counter-narrative to the fear and scarcity that’s so prevalent.  Rev. Lydia will share just how a capital campaign shines the light on ‘what’s possible’, not ‘what’s wrong’. 
Guest Preacher Bio
Rev. Lydia Ferrante-Roseberry loves helping congregations thrive. She brings over 20 years of parish ministry experience into her consulting with Stewardship for Us. Having served three congregations of various sizes, she has helped each of them align their vision with their values, and then foster generous giving to live into that vision. Rev. Lydia is most passionate about the individual and community transformation that is possible when people come together to create something none could have imagined alone.


January 19


10:00 AM Family Worship: Pluralism

Today we will spend some time with one of our UU Values: Pluralism. Pluralism means we can hold onto many truths at once, and try to learn from one another. Have you ever tried to learn from someone who believed something different from you? What was that like?

10:30 AM Worship:  The Radical Imagination of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Tell them about the dream, Martin!” Mahalia Jackson urged Dr King off his prepared remarks at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963. Because none of us has ever known a US without systematic racism, it takes radical imagination to work toward a new reality of justice and equality we dream of. Today’s service will explore what this calls us to do in the world. Rev. Jolie preaching


January 26


10:00 AM Family Worship: The Runaway Wok

In celebration of the Lunar New Year, we will read a fun story called The Runaway Wok and we will discuss the value of generosity together.

10:30 AM Worship: When Times Get Tough, Choose Gratitude

In whatever comes next — especially in whatever the future holds — you can choose to practice gratitude.  None of us live in an “all or nothing” world.  As always, there will be good days ahead as well as bad ones.  It is up to us to see the blessings as they come. There will be moments of beauty in your life.  Moments of awe and wonder.  Warmth and comfort. There will be times of joy, of love, of laughter shared with family and friends.  It will be important to notice all that is good and to be grateful for all that is our lives.  Tough times call for even tougher spiritual practices to keep us fully charged and more fully alive.

Rev. Gretchen Weis has been a Unitarian Universalist minister for 11 years.  She served all the days of her parish ministry at Murray UU Church in Attleboro, who named her Minister Emerita upon her retirement in summer 2023.  She remains an active volunteer in our faith, mentoring future ministers during their seminary and formation years, as well as mentoring ministers through the full fellowshipping process



Family and Adult services: